JGloss-WWW is a Java servlet which proxies web content. Words in a Japanese HTML document are annotated on the fly with their readings and translations. These annotations are shown as pop-ups when the user moves the mouse over a word using JavaScript (currently only Firefox is supported).
To use the servlet you will need a servlet container (application implementing the servlet API specification), for example Tomcat. You can build the servlet by typing "make jgloss-www" in the root directory of the JGloss source code. All necessary files will be copied to the folder "jgloss-www". The servlet is configured by editing the file "web.xml" in the WEB-INF subdirectory. The following form shows how you can call the servlet. This assumes that the the servlet is registered with the servlet container under the name "jgloss-www" at the same location as this page.
Note: The JGloss-WWW servlet is not installed on this server.
<form action="jgloss-www" method="get"> <p> URL: <input type="text" name="jgurl" size="80"> <input type="submit" value="Go!"><br><br> <input type="checkbox" name="jgforwardcookies" value="true">forward cookies<br> <input type="checkbox" name="jgforwardforms" value="true">forward form data<br> </p> </form>
The CGI query parameters will be converted by the servlet to a URL of the form path to servlet/flags/base url. There are two flags: forward cookies and forward form data. A "1" means that the feature is enabled, a "0" disables it. The base URL points to the document on the remote server which should be forwarded and possibly rewritten by JGloss-WWW. The URL is escaped by replacing all special characters with a '_' followed by the hexadecimal character code. (The standard '%' escaping mechanism is not used because the URL may or may not be unescaped by the servlet container before it is passed to the servlet).
Instead of using CGI query parameters, the generated URL can be used directly to access the remote document through JGloss-WWW. The following form does the URL encoding/decoding via JavaScript. The JavaScript source is here.
Example form:
<form name="urlconverter" action="" onSubmit="return false"> <p> JGloss-WWW URL: <br><input type="text" name="jglossurl" size="80"> <input type="button" value="Convert" onClick="jglossToBase()"> <br> Base URL: <br><input type="text" name="baseurl" size="80"> <input type="button" value="Convert" onClick="baseToJGloss()"> <br> <input type="checkbox" name="forwardcookies">forward cookies<br> <input type="checkbox" name="forwardformdata">forward form data<br> </p> </form>
JGloss-WWW can forward cookies from client to remote server and back. This feature has to be enabled globally on the JGloss-WWW server by setting the initialization parameters in web.xml, and can be disabled/enabled on a per-connection basis by setting the forward cookies flag.
For cookie forwarding to work, the cookie has to be encapsulated when sent to the user. When the remote server wants to set a cookie, the domain, path and portlist attributes of the cookie are added to the cookie name in the form domain|path|portlist|original name, and are changed to the JGloss-WWW server specific values. Since on the client side all cookies set while browsing through JGloss-WWW originate from the JGloss-WWW server, the usual client mechanism of filtering cookies based on the original domain is not possible. The servlet does however implement the basic rejection criteria described in RFC2965.
When the client makes a request through JGloss-WWW, it will send all cookies it received earlier back to the servlet. The servlet will reconstruct the original domain/path/portlist from the cookie name and only forward the cookies which match the remote URL as described in RFC2965 (with some relaxations for Netscape-style cookies to stay compatible). Note that since all encapsulated cookies originate from the JGloss-WWW server, the client will always send all cookies set while browsing through JGloss-WWW. This could become a problem if the user is on a slow connection and many cookies are set. This happens even if cookie forwarding is disabled for a connection if cookies have been set during previous sessions.
Disabling cookie forwarding has basically the same effect as disabling cookies in the client browser. Cookies will not be sent to the remote server, and sites which require cookies will not work properly.
The cookie forwarding mechanism will not work with cookies set by a JavaScript in the HTML page transmitted to the client.
Form data from both GET and POST forms can be forwarded by the JGloss-WWW servlet. This feature has to be enabled globally on the JGloss-WWW server by setting the initialization parameters in web.xml, and can be disabled/enabled on a per-connection basis by setting the forward form data flag.
If the feature is disabled, forms will not be changed when the HTML page is rewritten. Therefore when the user submits the form, the client web browser will contact the originating server directly and the data and response will not pass through the JGloss-WWW server. This also means that the resulting page will not be annotated, and cookies will not be encapsulated which means that re-opening the page through the servlet might not lead to the expected results.
Data passed in the query part of the URL will be appended to the remote URL before opening the connection. If POST is used, the body of the client request will be copied verbatim to the remote server connection.
What follows is an (incomplete) description of how the servlet processes a request.
The flags and remote URL are decoded and tested against the configuration parameters. If the remote URL is malformed or the protocol is not allowed by the configuration, an error is sent. If form data forwarding is enabled, query parameters present in the request URL will be added to the remote URL. If cookie forwarding is enabled, the cookies will be added before connecting to the remote URL. All applicable request headers will be forwarded to the remote URL connection.
When the connection to the remote URL is established, form data uploaded by a POST request will be copied to the remote connection if enabled. If the response from the remote server is a redirect directive, the redirect will be followed, establishing a new connection. If the remote server wants to set cookies and cookie forwarding is enabled, the cookies will be added to the servlet response. If rewriting is enabled for the content type of the response sent by the remote server, the response document will be rewritten before sending it to the client. Otherwise, the response is tunneled (copied unchanged) to the client. All applicable response headers will be forwarded to the reply.
Rewriting an HTML document involves both annotating Japanese text with translations and changing any links in the document. For the text annotation, a JavaScript fragment is added to the header of the document, and a <span> element containing the annotation text and a JavaScript call which shows it is added to each annotated word. URL rewriting currently supports links in the <a>, <area>, <img> and <form> tags. Relative URLs will be made absolute using the remote URL. For <a> and <area> the URL will be changed to point to the JGloss-WWW servlet, if the protocol of the URL is allowed by the servlet configuration. For <form> tags, this will only be done if form data forwarding is enabled, otherwise the action link will point to the original location and a submit of the form will open a direct connection from the client to the remote server.
This section describes the security and privacy implications of using the JGloss-WWW servlet. I tried to cover all aspects, but don't claim completeness. The main consequence for a user is that he should NEVER use JGloss-WWW when security/privacy relevant data could be transmitted, unless he fully trusts the JGloss-WWW server operator; and an administrator of a JGloss-WWW server should carefully consider what features of the servlet he enables.
The JGloss-WWW servlet supports secure connections between both client and servlet, and servlet and remote server. For a secure client/servlet connection, the servlet container has to be configured to allow secure connections. For a secure servlet/remote server connection, a protocol handler for https URL connections has to be installed in the Java Runtime. The Sun implementation of the Java Secure Sockets Extension (JSSE) contains such a protocol handler.
What is important for the servlet user to know is that the servlet ALWAYS has access to ALL DATA passed through the servlet between the client and the remote server, even if a secure connection is used. Unlike proxies which tunnel SSL connections, the servlet will always decrypt data it receives. This is necessary because otherwise HTML pages transferred over a secure connection could not be rewritten.
If secure connections are enabled, there are four modes of data transfer between client-servlet/servlet-remote server. If the connection is insecure/insecure, the usual security rules apply: don't transmit any sensitive data.
A secure/insecure connection will make it (hopefully) impossible to intercept and read the transferred data between client and servlet, but the servlet/remote server connection is not secure. If a user browses insecure pages this way he should not enter any security-sensitive data. The problem with this is that the client browser will show that the connection to the displayed page is secure when in fact only the connection to the servlet is secure. The JGloss-WWW administrator should consider disabling secure access to the servlet if he wants to avoid misunderstandings.
A secure/secure connection should make it impossible to intercept and read the transferred data between client, servlet and remote server. The servlet will still have full access to all transferred data, so users should not transmit sensitive data unless they fully trust the JGloss-WWW server operator. The encryption algorithms and key lengths used between client and servlet, and servlet and remote server may be different, and the user has no method of looking up this information. To avoid misleading the user on the level of security used on connections, the JGloss-WWW server administrator should consider disabling secure connections by configuring the servlet accordingly.
When using a insecure/secure connection, data transferred between client and servlet can be intercepted and read. While the client browser shows that the connection is not secure, the displayed page might say that the connection is secure, because the remote server only saw the secure connection to the servlet. This may mislead the user on the level of security and therefore the JGloss-WWW administrator should not enable secure protocols if the connection to the servlet is insecure.
Establishing a secure connection requires a trusted public key certificate from the remote server. A client usually comes with a chain of root certificates which will be used to verify server certificates. If a certificate cannot be verified the client usually rejects the connection or asks the user if the connection should be established nevertheless. If a https URL connection handler has been installed on the JGloss-WWW server to establish secure connections to remote servers, the root certificate chain of the JGloss-WWW server usually differs from the one at the client. This means that the servlet may accept connections which the client would reject, and that a connection may be rejected by the servlet even if the client would accept the connection. There is currently no way to avoid this problem.
Regardless of the cookie forwarding configuration, a cookie sent from the server will always be seen by the servlet, and all cookies forwarded by JGloss-WWW to a client will always be transmitted back to the servlet (unless the user deletes them through a browser interface). Therefore, disabling cookie forwarding does not increase security, but privacy might be enhanced because remote sites can not track the user through cookies (this is the same as disabling cookies in the browser). Cookies are per definition not secure and should not contain sensitive information, unless transmitted over a secure connection. The "secure" flag of a cookie signals the browser that the cookie should only be sent over a secure connection. The enable_secure-to-insecure_cookie_forwarding initialization parameter of the servlet controls if cookies without the "secure" flag should be forwarded from a secure to an insecure connection. Since this is the expected behavior, it should usually be enabled. "secure" cookies will never be forwarded over an insecure connection.
If form data forwarding is enabled, the action attributes of forms will be changed to point to the JGloss-WWW servlet. As a result, the servlet will see all data entered in the form. If a user wants to prevent this, he should disable form data forwarding. The browser will then connect directly to the remote server when the form is submitted. This will of course prevent the annotation of the resulting page. The enable_secure-to-insecure_form_data_forwarding initialization parameter of the servlet controls if data will be forwarded if the client-servlet connection is secure but the servlet-remote server connection isn't. If this is disabled, accidental transfer of sensitive data over an insecure connection is prevented, but non-sensitive data can not be transferred either. This does effectively prevent all forms pointing to insecure locations from working.
Since the target of a form is usually not shown in the browser, there is no easy way to see if form data in a page will be forwarded through JGloss-WWW or not. There is also no obvious way to disable form data forwarding if it was initially disabled. Currently the only way is to change the form forwarding flag in the URL (see URL format) and reload the page.
The implementation is currently experimental and has undergone only minimal testing. This means that there is no guarantee that the servlet will really behave in the way documented here. The servlet may be vulnerable against attacks by crackers. It will open network connections specified by an URL entered by an untrusted user, and these connections will have the access privileges given to the servlet by the servlet container. Care should be taken when configuring these privileges that only access to public resources is granted. To aid debugging, the servlet currently logs a lot of data which can be considered privacy/security relevant, including remote URLs and cookies.
JGloss-WWW is implemented as servlet, but it functions as a rewriting proxy. So why is it not implemented as a proxy in the first place? A proxy would be more transparent to the user, and there would be no need to change URLs, and do cookie and form data forwarding.
The main reason for the servlet implementation is that the servlet API makes it easy to receive and respond to http connections. On the other hand, in order to implement a rewriting proxy one would have to implement a proxy first (or take an existing proxy and modify it), which I considered to be more work. A proxy would also not be able to rewrite encrypted content, since it simply tunnels it (which of course increases security). For the user, switching between rewritten and direct transfer would involve changing the proxy settings of the browser every time, while the servlet implementation only requires the input of a special URL. And finally, I wanted to do this as an exercise in servlet programming.
It should be relatively easy to plug JGloss in an already existing proxy (if you have access to the source, and it is written in Java). An instance of jgloss.www.HTMLAnnotator would be used to annotate all documents sent from the proxy to the client which have a content type of "text/html" and a Japanese character encoding. Another thing I'd also like to see is JGloss-like functionality implemented in a web browser. The document would be intercepted after it is received by the browser, but before it is presented to the user. Unfortunately I don't think this is possible with the current plugin APIs.