JGloss is open source software. You can grab the source code and enhance it yourself. All you need is knowledge of the Java programming language and a few tools.

Current state of the JGloss continuous integration build at Travis CI:

State of the CI Build.


Basic workflow

  • Get the sources by cloning the JGloss repository: git clone git://git.code.sf.net/p/jgloss/code jgloss-code
  • Import the JGloss Maven modules into your IDE (e. g. Import > Existing Maven projects... in Eclipse).
  • Code, code, code...
  • Build the artifacts from the sources: mvn install
  • Test your changes.
  • Commit the changes to your local Git repository.
  • Send a patch or pull request to tensberg@gmx.net if you want to contribute your code.

Export templates

JGloss uses XSLT style sheets to convert the JGloss document to the various export formats. Currently, the only way to add new export formats is to modify the source code and building it yourself. If you want to want to have a go at it, get the source code and look in jgloss/src/main/resources/export. export-descriptor.dtd contains some documentation regarding the export format. Add your new export descriptor to the list in jgloss-core/src/main/resources/messages.properties under the key exporters.